How to be well? The dimensions of wellness

The dimensions of wellness

While ‘health’ can be considered an absence of a disease or a health condition, the term ‘wellness’ is an expanded concept of health fostering the balance of the body, mind, and spirit. True wellness is largely determined by the decisions one makes about how to live their lives. It includes 6 interrelated dimensions, namely, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social or interpersonal, and environmental.

Optimizing your wellness in each of the 6 dimensions can determine the health and happiness of an individual. Think of achieving wellness as a dynamic, ever-evolving process of growth, and not a static, one-and-done goal.

Let’s define each of these dimensions!

Physical wellness:

Elevating your physical wellness requires:

  • Good dietary habits (see nutritional recommendations blog)
  • Regular exercising (see exercise recommendations blog)
  • Avoiding harmful habits such as drug and substance abuse
  • Learning and recognizing the symptoms of disease
  • Regular medical & dental check-ups
  • Learning and implementing ways to avoid injuries at home, work or community

Emotional wellness:

This dimension comprises of:

  • Optimism
  • Trust
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-control
  • Satisfying relationships
  • Ability to share feelings

Elevate your emotional wellness by:

  • Monitoring and exploring your thoughts and feelings
  • Identifying any obstacles to emotional well-being
  • Finding solutions to emotional problems, example using a therapist

Intellectual wellness:

Ask yourself if you have an Active Mind:

  • Are you open to new ideas?
  • Do you question things around you?
  • Are you motivated to master new skills?

Elevate your intellectual wellness by:

  • Expanding your knowledge and skills
  • Reading
  • Learning a new skill, maybe learn a new language
  • Engaging with people who challenge one’s intellect

Spiritual wellness:

Ask yourself:

  • Do you have a guiding set of beliefs or values that give your life a meaning or purpose?
  • How do you rate yourself in your capacity to love, forgive, be altruistic?

Elevate your spiritual wellness by:

  • Spending time in nature
  • Serving others
  • Praying, meditating
  • Following an organized religion

Social or Interpersonal Wellness:

This dimension makes individuals have successful interactions, communications, relationships and feel appreciated and a sense of belonging.

Elevate your social or interpersonal wellness by:

  • Learning and practicing communication
  • Developing a support network of family members and friends
  • Participating in your community, country or the world

Environmental wellness:

Ask yourself:

  • What is the health of your immediate surroundings or community?
  • What is the health of the world or planet at this time?

Elevate your environmental wellness by:

  • Reducing or eliminating environmental hazards around you

Now that you have identified the dimensions, see if you can apply them to your life! And learn and grow everyday within them!

If you found this article useful in your routine practice, please give me some examples or comments by writing in the section below. Look forward to our many discussions!

Written by:

Hina Garg


Associate professor

MS PT & Wellness Center Director

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions


Fahey T, Insel P, Roth W. Fit & Well 5th edition

2 thoughts on “How to be well? The dimensions of wellness”

  1. Hina the knowledge shared by you is always worth reading and sharing … And for sure I will apply it into my daily life routine as well… And looking forward for many such blogs written on differents topics …..

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